Friday, April 11, 2008


So today I went to listen to Dr. Pete Gathje speak about homelessness in Memphis. After he went through and gave some statistics and the history of homelessness I then realized that this really is an issue in Memphis and everywhere else. I did not know that Tennessee are in the Top Ten States of Poverty. I usually thought of homelessness as people just living on the streets because they are just to lazy to get a job. Well, in reality some of them do try they just do not make the money they need to support them. Ill be honest whenever I see people on the street sometimes I will lend a hand but then sometimes I think to myself can they just not walk the nearest gas station and at least try to get a job! I know that is really bad on my part and my point of view has definitely changed after hearing some of the causes. Some of the causes include lack of affordable housing, lack of health care, substance abuse, mental illness and ect. Dr. Pete is apart of what is called he Manna House. This house is open three days a week from 8 am to 11 am. People can come in whenever they want and stay as long as they want. They get to drink coffee for free, get clothes and even take showers! I think this is such a nice thing to do. Although he also made it seem like there are no other organizations not helping the homeless when really there are. For example, around Christmas time when people go to the homeless shelter and bring food and toys. I am just so grateful that I am living a good life and do not have to worry about living out on the streets. (303)


Brooxie said...

I thought that this man was actually very interesting. I also thought that most homeless people did not have a job, but in fact they do and do not have enough to provide for their family. I think it is really sad that they work really hard but still can not make enough. I think the Manna House gives these people a chance to hang out and talk with people who can help them or people in the same or similar situations.

Unknown said...

It kind of amazes me every time I hear about people who are homeless. I was shocked when someone in our class gave us the statistic of how many homeless children there are in Memphis. I never see any of them, so it makes me wonder where they are.