Friday, April 4, 2008


It is that time of the week again to post another update! Feel free to read or feel free to skip this one! Last Tuesday’s theme on American Idol was Dolly Parton’s songs and Dolly was the mentor. I was a little worried about all of the contestants singing their songs, especially David, who was my favorite. When the show started, I was so anxious to see David and wondering when he was going to come on. When they showed him with Dolly Parton together, I thought it was neat. Dolly said she believes that he will become a great, great singer. David picked Smokey Mountain Memories to sing and as usual, it was amazing! I am being totally honest when I say this…in that David gave me the chills. His voice is just so pure. Overall, the contestants did pretty well with their songs. I was amazed because it just seems so hard to top her songs off since she is considered a legend in country music. Wednesday night was the result show and every night on this show, the group sings a song together. The song they sang was Nine to Five…I love that song of Dolly’s. Anyways, of course David was safe! That made me even more excited and Ramielle went home. Next week is the idol gives back week so the contestants are singing inspirational songs! I can’t wait to see the top eight perform!
P.s. I know I am OBSESSED with this show! (251)

1 comment:

Brooxie said...

You are way too obsessed with this show! You write like a blog about it every week! It is ok though because I have been watching it some too! From what I have watched, I really like David. He is so talented to be so young! And I think he is cute!