Friday, April 4, 2008

busy day

Okay, so I had to work tonight which I really did not want to because I have had a massive headache all day and have been lying in bed not being able to sleep because of the pain but no one would cover for me! So anyways, I get to work at two o’clock and the salon assistant does not come in until three. Well, the school next to the tanning place I work at gets out at two o’clock, so of course I am going to get a bunch of girls and boys coming in to tan. I thought to myself, I am going to have an easy day at work, today. Well I was completely wrong! I saw like fourteen people in ten minutes. So, I have to go clean the beds because the assistant as yet to make it to work until her scheduled time. I came back up to the front to see a line of people. I was freaking out! After a busy couple hours at work, I come to find out that my salon assistant has to leave here at six and we close at eight. She has to go to another store to close because supposedly that store is busier! Yea right! So I am going to be stuck here probably pass eight o’clock because I will not be able to do any closing duties because it has been so busy! I am surprised there are a lot of people tanning on a Friday! It is never that busy, ever! (255)

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